The Baron saluted Candide with some notable kicks on the breech and drove him out of doors -
Jean-Michel Moreau
Chapel of the Convent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, February 21st 1839, plate 112 from Volume III of The Holy Land, engraved by Louis Haghe 1806-85 pub. 1849 -
David Roberts
Persian Woman, plate 91 from Recueil de Cent Estampes representant differentes Nations du Levant tirees sur les Tableaux Peints d apres Nature..., 1707-08 -
Jean Baptiste Vanmour
Accident in a textile mill in Lille, illustration from Le Petit Journal, 1898 -
Alfred Pronier
The sons of Edward IV parted from their mother by Richard Duke of Gloucester, 16th June 1483, from Illustrations of English and Scottish History Volume I -
Edward Henry Wehnert
Depressive woman, illustration from Des Maladies Mentales considerees sous le rapport medical, hygienique et medico-legal by Etienne Esquirol 1772-1840 1838 -
Ambroise Tardieu
Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair, known as 'A Mother's duty' -
Pieter De Hooch
Le Centre de la Famille (or A Family Dinner at the Ritz, New York) -
Paul Cesar Helleu
Isaac and Rebecca Spied upon by Abimelech -
Cinq Heures Chez Paquin (Five Hours At Paquin) -
Henri Gervex
Scene in a Russian Hospital The Ear Inspection -
Emily Shanks
Judge Jeffries (1648-89) Hurling Abuse at Richard Baxter (1615-91) at his Trial -
Edward Matthew Ward
Illustration from 'La Maison Tellier' by Guy de Maupassant (1850-93) 1933 -
Edgar Degas
Interior View of the Medicine Lodge, Mandan O-kee-pa Ceremony -
George Catlin