Vautrin, illustration for Le Pere Goriot, a novel by Honore de Balzac 1799-1850, published by Rene Kieffer in Paris in 1922 -
Presentation of the Pomeranian Kunstschrank to Duke Philip II of Pomerania-Stettin 1606-18 in 1617 -
Anton Mozart
The Ancient Bell Tower, Windsor Castle, from 'Royal Residences', 1819 -
Richard Cattermole
Isabella of Braganza, Second Wife of Ferdinand VII 1829 -
Bernardo Lopez
Mr Pickwick finds Mr Tupman having lunch at the Leather Bottle, Cobham (illustration to 'Pickwick Papers') -
Cecil Charles Aldin
Self Portrait With his Daughter, Maria Theresa and Possibly Giacobbe and James Cervetto c.1779 -
Johann Zoffany
Nikita Pustosviat. Dispute on the Confession of Faith, 1881 -
Vasily Perov
Lord Palmerston Addressing the House of Commons During the Debates on the Treaty of France in February 1860, 1863 -
John Phillip
Interior of the Royal Institutions basement laboratory, from Manual of Chemistry, by W.T. Brande, engraved by James Basire, 1819 -
William Tite
An Arab Sheikh Smoking, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Saint Germain, pub. by Lemercier, 1848 -
Emile Prisse d'Avennes
Henri Desire Landru 1869-1922 in his Kitchen, from Le Petit Journal, 13th November 1921 -
Raymond Pallin
The Baptism of Constantine -