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Der Jubiläumszug: Jagdgruppe mit Beutewagen (The Anniversary Parade: Hunting Party with Treasure Wagon)
Order as handmade oil painting Der Jubiläumszug: Jagdgruppe mit Beutewagen (The Anniversary Parade: Hunting Party with Treasure Wagon) - Hans Makart |
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Der Sommernachstraum, Entwurf zur Dekoration eines Raumes in der Hermesvilla (The Summer Night's Dream, Sketch for the Decoration of a Room in the Hermes Villa) -
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Die Fünf Sinne: Geschmack (The Five Senses: Tasting) -
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Die Fünf Sinne: Gesicht (The Five Senses: Seeing) -
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Die Niljagd der Kleopatra (The Nile Hunt of Cleopatra) -
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Die Sangerin Emilie Tagliana (The Singer Emilia Tagliana) -
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Die Versenkung des Nibelungenhortes in den Rhein (Sinking of the Nibelung stronghold into the Rhine) -
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Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Fassade (Studies for a palace, façade) -
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