The Prince Awakens the Sleeping Beauty - (after) Browne, Gordon Frederick
La Nuit de Mai - Eugene Louis Lami
Steward, from a series entitled Country Characters, 1799 - Thomas Rowlandson
And then, the lover sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad made to his mistress eyebrow, Act II, Scene VII from 'As You Like It, by William Shakespeare 1564-1616, 1883 - Charles C. Seton
Mary Read from Histoire des Pirates - (after) Debelle, Alexandre
Noli Me Tangere 1653 - Nicolas Poussin
They took a sad farewell of each other - A.S. Forrest
The Dancer - Jean-Louis Forain
Lovers standing in the snow holding a sheet of paper upon which a poem is inscribed - Kiyohiro Torii