Portrait of a girl in a yellow dress with a red sash, holding an arum lily - Archibald James Stuart Wortley
Sir Charles William Doyle (1770-1842) - Margaret Sarah Carpenter
Portrait of a young boy, said to be Carl Christian Friedrich Zinsch (born 1781) - Johann Christian Gottfried Lonckewitz
Gregorita with the Santa Clara Bowl 1917 - Robert Henri
Portrait of Dona Isabel de Requesens, Vice-Queen of Naples - Raffaelo Sanzio
Portrait Of The Emperor Vitellius, Three-Quarter Length, Holding A Baton - (after) Bernardino Campi
Portrait Of The Hon. Mrs Grant Of Kilgraston (1795-1822) - Sebastien Leclerc
Portrait of Pierre-Simon, Marquis de Laplacais 1749-1827 French astronomer and mathematician - Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard
Portrait Of A Young Lady In A Pink Dress Holding Some Flowers - (after) Dance Holland, Nathaniel