Altarpiece of the Church Fathers- St Augustine Liberating a Prisoner c. 1483 -
Michael Pacher
Fathers altar outside, bottom right wing scene, St. Augustine and the Devil -
Michael Pacher
Fathers of the Church Altar, right wing in, St. Ambrose Scene -
Michael Pacher
Madonna and Child with St. Catherine and St. John the Evangelist, c.1530-40 - (attr. to) Comontes, Francisco de
Adoration of the Christ Child c. 1490 - Bernardino di Betto (Pinturicchio)
Saint Paul 2 - (after) Jusepe De Ribera
The Miracle Of St Anthony 1798 - Francisco De Goya y Lucientes
Christ And The Samaritan Woman At The Well - Italian Unknown Master
Saint Christopher Carrying The Infant Christ - Jan Wellens de Cock
Last Supper, Tree of Life and Four Miracle Scenes - Taddeo Gaddi
Christ walking on the sea - William Hatherell
A Triptych - Taddeo Di Bartolo