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The Piazzetta from the Bacino di San Marco c. 1700

Order as handmade oil painting The Piazzetta from the Bacino di San Marco c. 1700 - Caspar Andriaans Van Wittel |
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Venice, A View Of The Bacino Di San Marco Looking West With The Punta Della Dogana And The Entrance To The Grand Canal -
Caspar Andriaans Van Wittel
Venice, A View Of The Bacino Di San Marco Looking West, With The Punta Della Dogana And The Church Of Santa Maria Della Salute -
Caspar Andriaans Van Wittel
Venice, A View Of The Molo From The Bacino Di San Marco Looking North Towards The Piazzetta And The Palazzo Ducale -
Caspar Andriaans Van Wittel [locked]
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