The Original Sin and the Expulsion from Paradise 1360-70 - Giusto di Giovanni de' Menabuoi
Teiresias foretells the future to Odysseus - Johann Henry Fuseli
Orpheus and Eurydice - (after) Gerard De Lairesse
Feast of the Gods - Hans I Rottenhammer
How the Indians Treat Their Sick - (after) Le Moyne, Jacques (de Morgues)
Various studies including a tracing from the other side of the sheet - Michelangelo Buonarroti
A 17th Century Copy After Parmigianino's Original In The Gemaldegalerie, Dresden - (after) Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola (Parmigianino)
The Judgement Of Paris - Edgar Maxence
The Judgment of Midas - Peter Paul Rubens