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Merry Old Santa Claus
Order as handmade oil painting Merry Old Santa Claus - Thomas Nast |
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Current Rating: 7.00 stars of max. 10 Click on the stars to rate this painting | 
Portrait of General George Henry Thomas 1816-70 -
Thomas Nast
Portrait of General James Birdseye McPherson 1828-64 -
Thomas Nast
Reconstruction and How it Works from Harpers Weekly -
Thomas Nast
The Campaign in Virginia On to Richmond from Harpers Weekly 1864 -
Thomas Nast
The Day We Celebrate from Harpers Weekly 1867 -
Thomas Nast
The Senatorial RoundHouse from Harpers Weekly 1886 -
Thomas Nast
The White League and the Ku Klux Klan Worse than Slavery cartoon from Harpers Weekly 1874 -
Thomas Nast
What are you going to do about it from Harpers Weekly -
Thomas Nast [locked]
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