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The Arrival of Ferries at London Bridge
Order as handmade oil painting The Arrival of Ferries at London Bridge - (after) Rowlandson, Thomas |
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The Captains Going out of the Ship - Gentlemen plate from The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy by John Mitford 1782-1831 engraved by W. Read, 1818 -
(after) Rowlandson, Thomas
Turning in - and out again, plate from The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy by John Mitford 1782-1831 engraved by W. Read, 1818 -
(after) Rowlandson, Thomas
Views of London, No. 6 Entrance from Hackney or Cambridge Heath Turnpike with a Distant View of St. Pauls, engraved by Schutz, pub. at Ackermanns Gallery, 1798 -
(after) Rowlandson, Thomas [locked]
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