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Apollo and Diana Kill Niobes Children with their Arrows She is Turned to Stone, 1730
Order as handmade oil painting Apollo and Diana Kill Niobes Children with their Arrows She is Turned to Stone, 1730 - Bernard Picart |
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Arethusa Pursued by Alpheus and Turned into a Fountain, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Cassandra Foretells the Trojans Their Fate and is Not Believed, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Cygnus Transformed into a Swan and Phaetons Sisters into Poplars, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Deucalion and Pyrrha Repeople the World by Throwing Stones Behind Them, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Frontispiece to Voyages...en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique by Sieur de la Motraye, published 1727 -
Bernard Picart [locked]
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