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Departure of the Team from H.M.S. Alert, from Voyage a la Mer Polaire, 1875-76
Order as handmade oil painting Departure of the Team from H.M.S. Alert, from Voyage a la Mer Polaire, 1875-76 - Edouard Riou |
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In the Ice Floes from Voyage a la Mer Polaire, 1875-76 -
Edouard Riou
Marabout and Procession: Tlemcen, engraved by Henri Theophile Hildibrand 1824-97 -
Edouard Riou
The First Steam-boat on the Amazon, page 491 from Vol.2 of Journey Across South America by P. Marcoy, 1873 -
Edouard Riou
The Suez Canal, from a souvenir album commemorating the Voyage of Empress Eugenie 1827-1920 at the Inauguration in 1869 -
Edouard Riou
Through the Forest to the Palta Lake, engraved by Bertrand, page 209 from Vol. 2 of Journey Across South America by P. Marcoy, 1873 -
Edouard Riou [locked]
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