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Roman camp in Celtic Germania, as described by Tacitus, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s
Order as handmade oil painting Roman camp in Celtic Germania, as described by Tacitus, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s - Vittorio Raineri |
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Roman soldiers building a fort, plate 21 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s -
Vittorio Raineri
The Celebration of the Festival of Mewlod in the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, plate 41 from Part III, Volume I of The History of the Nations, engraved by the artist -
Vittorio Raineri
The Grand St. Bernard Hospice in Switzerland, from Costume Antico e Moderno by Gulio Ferrario, 1821 -
Vittorio Raineri [locked]
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