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Grotesque Self-Portrait
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Marquess Ludovico Greeting His Son Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga Detail 1 1465-74 -
Andrea Mantegna
Marquess Ludovico Greeting His Son Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga Detail 2 1465-74 -
Andrea Mantegna
Marquess Ludovico Greeting His Son Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga Detail 3 1465-74 -
Andrea Mantegna
Marquess Ludovico Greeting His Son Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga Detail 4 1465-74 -
Andrea Mantegna
Mars And Vernus Known As Parnassus Detail 1 Louvre Paris France -
Andrea Mantegna
Mars And Vernus Known As Parnassus Detail 2 Louvre Paris France -
Andrea Mantegna [locked]
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