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Mr Meakin holding Sir Robert Peels Chestnut Hunter with his dogs Hector and Jem
Order as handmade oil painting Mr Meakin holding Sir Robert Peels Chestnut Hunter with his dogs Hector and Jem - John Ferneley, Snr. |
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Mr Powell And Son With His Stallion, Norton, A Distant View Of Melton Mowbray Beyond -
John Ferneley, Snr.
Mr. Dawson's Phoebus, a grey hunter with a spaniel, in the grounds of Launde Abbey, Leicestershire -
John Ferneley, Snr.
Portrait of an Officer of the 3rd Dragoon Guards with Other Members of the Regiment Beyond -
John Ferneley, Snr.
Portrait of John Drummond on a hunter, with a groom holding his second horse, in a landscape, a hunting party beyond -
John Ferneley, Snr. [locked]
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