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Portrait of John Jewel Bishop of Salisbury from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
Order as handmade oil painting Portrait of John Jewel Bishop of Salisbury from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth - Sarah Countess of Essex |
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Portrait of John Whitgift Archbishop of Canterbury from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex
Portrait of Katherine Baroness Willoughby dEresby from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex
Portrait of Lady Catherine Grey Countess of Kent from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex
Portrait of Lettice Knollys Daughter of Sir Francis Knollys from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex
Portrait of Lord Roger North 1530-1600 2nd Baron North from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex
Portrait of Margaret Douglas Countess of Lennox from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex
Portrait of Margaret Tudor Queen of Scotland from Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth -
Sarah Countess of Essex [locked]
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