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The Graham Children

Order as handmade oil painting The Graham Children - William Hogarth |
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The Idle Prentice at Play in the Church Yard During Divine Service plate III of Industry and Idleness -
William Hogarth
The Idle Prentice Betrayed by a Prostitute plate IX of Industry and Idleness -
William Hogarth
The Idle Prentice Executed at Tyburn plate XI of Industry and Idleness -
William Hogarth
The Idle Prentice Returned from Sea and in a Garret with a Prostitute -
William Hogarth
The Idle Prentice Turned Away and Sent to Sea plate V of Industry and Idleness -
William Hogarth
The Industrious 'Prentice Performing the Duties of a Christian -
William Hogarth
The Industrious Prentice a Favourite and Entrusted by his Master plate IV of Industry and Idleness -
William Hogarth
The Industrious Prentice Alderman of London the Idle one Impeachd Before Him by his Accomplice plate X of Industry and Idleness -
William Hogarth [locked]
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