Poster advertising train services from Paris to London for the Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de lOuest -
Jules Alexandre Grun
A still life with glass of wine, tazza and a pewter plate - Hans van Sant
A Still Life With A Sturgeon, A Carp And Other Fresh-Water - Dirck Govertsz
Purple and Gold - James Paterson
Peaches on a Wanli 'kraak' porselein plate - (after) Osias, The Elder Beert
Still Life with a Monkey, Fruit and Flowers - Jean-Baptiste Oudry
Still Life With Blue Pot - Paul Cezanne
A Still Life With Grapes, Strawberries In A Porcelain Bowl, Peaches, A Silver-Gilt Jug - (after) Willem Van Aelst
Woman with a Jug - Edouard Manet
A roemer and a facon de Venise, oranges in a Wan-Li kraak porcelain bowl, an oyster, grapes and a knife on a table - Abraham Hendrickz Van Beyeren