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Francois I (1494-1547) c.1540-45
Order as handmade oil painting Francois I (1494-1547) c.1540-45 - (studio of) Clouet |
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Francoise de Longwy (c.1510-65) wife of Philippe Chapot, Seigneur de Brion, c.1535 -
(studio of) Clouet
Francoise de Longwy (c.1510-c.65), wife of Philippe Chabot, amiral, sire de Brion, c.1558 -
(studio of) Clouet
Francoise de Pompadour (1533-?), femme de Claude, comte de Maure, c.1555 -
(studio of) Clouet
Francoise Robertet (1520-80), epouse de Jean Babou, seigneur de la Bourdaisiere, c.1560 -
(studio of) Clouet [locked]
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