St. Cecilia surrounded by St. Paul, St. John the Evangelist, St. Augustine and Mary Magdalene, after Raphael - Claude Andrew Calthrop
View of Lake Constance at Kreuzlingen - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Isaac Blessing Jacob - (after) Johann Karl Loth
River Landscape With Figures By An Inn - Frederick Waters Watts
Traditional Japanese Wrestling Sumo wrestlers displaying their art at the Japanese Exhibition in London - Joseph Finnemore
Scenery sketches for Musorgskys opera Boris Godunov depicting the Novodevichy Monastery - Aleksandr Jakovlevic Golovin
An Allegory Of The Month Of August - (after) Adriaen Van Stalbemt
A monk drunk in a tavern - (after) William Hogarth
The Empire Coronation Banquet at the Guildhall - William T. Maud