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Sentinel of the Zouaves, plate from The Seat of War in the East, published by Colnaghi and Co., 1856
Order as handmade oil painting Sentinel of the Zouaves, plate from The Seat of War in the East, published by Colnaghi and Co., 1856 - William Simpson |
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Straits of Yenikale, plate from The Seat of War in the East, pub. by Paul and Dominic Colnaghi and Co., 1856 -
William Simpson
The Admiralty, Sebastopol, plate from The Seat of War in the East, pub. by Paul and Dominic Colnaghi and Co., 1856 -
William Simpson
The Attack on the Malakoff, plate from The Seat of War in the East, pub. by Paul and Dominic Colnaghi and Co., 1856 -
William Simpson [locked]
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