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The Goddess Roma Appearing to Julius Caesar at the Bank of the Rubicon, c.1793
Order as handmade oil painting The Goddess Roma Appearing to Julius Caesar at the Bank of the Rubicon, c.1793 - Richard Westall |
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The Royal Institution card, engraved by A. Rannbach, from Michael Faradays scrapbook -
Richard Westall
The San Nicholas and San Josef carried by boarding, illustration from 'The Life of Nelson' by Robert Southey (1774-1843) first published 1813 -
Richard Westall
Vimiera, 1st August 1808, from The Victories of the Duke of Wellington, engraved by T. Fielding, pub. 1819 -
Richard Westall
Vittoria, 21st June 1813, from The Victories of the Duke of Wellington, engraved by T. Fielding, pub. 1819 -
Richard Westall
Waterloo, 18th June 1815, from The Victories of the Duke of Wellington, engraved by T. Fielding, pub. 1819 -
Richard Westall [locked]
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