The Development of the Mariners Astrolabe and the Discovery of America by Amerigo Vespucci 1454-1512 plate 19 from Nova Reperta New Discoveries engraved by Jan Collaert 1566-1628 c.1600 -
(after) Straet, Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano)
(after) Story, William Wetmore
(after) Stothard, Charles Alfred
(after) Stothard, T. and Stephanoff, J.
(after) (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
(after) (Giovanni Antonio De' Sacchis) Pordenone
(after) (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
(after) (Jacopo Chimenti) Empoli
Call for Artists: Paris/Berlin International Meetings - roARatorio, Paris FR France
Call for Artists: Residencies Available in South India - Art Residencies India, London UK United Kingdom
Call for Artist: Seeking New Studio Artists - Binney and Smith Gallery, Banana Factory, Bethlehem, PA, USA United States of America
Éva Monika Horváth: Associations - When a Fish is Not a Fish and Other Dream Interpretations - Secco Gallery, Budapest HU Hungary
Exhibition of Rare Spanish Drawings to Open - J.P. Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA United States of America
ModernStarts: Places - Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Generations of Art: From Abstraction to Realism - Matthew Bates and Stephen Bates - Figaro Gallery, Annandale, VA, USA United States of America
Treasures of Catherine the Great - Somerset House, London UK United Kingdom
Deadline: The Rome Prize - American Academy in Rome, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Her-humanity: Small Works Represent Feminist Theology - Casa Frela Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Native American Artists Wanted for 10th Annual Indian Market - Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, Indianapolis, IN, USA