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Religion & Philosophy

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Last Judgment - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Last Judgment - Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Last Supper - Girolamo da Santacroce
The Last Supper - Girolamo da Santacroce
The Nativity - Juan De Flandes
The Nativity - Juan De Flandes
Adoration of the Magi (Adorazione dei Magi) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Adoration of the Magi (Adorazione dei Magi) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of the Empress Josephine 1805-07 - Jacques Louis David
Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of the Empress Josephine 1805-07 - Jacques Louis David
The Creation of Adam and Eve - Isaak van Oosten
The Creation of Adam and Eve - Isaak van Oosten
Weeping Cherub - Albrecht Durer
Weeping Cherub - Albrecht Durer
The Virgin Mary in the Rose Garden - Albert Edelfelt
The Virgin Mary in the Rose Garden - Albert Edelfelt
Lament Over The Dead Christ - French Miniaturist
Lament Over The Dead Christ - French Miniaturist
Portrait Of Bishop Piotr Tomicki - Stanislaw Samostrzelnik
Portrait Of Bishop Piotr Tomicki - Stanislaw Samostrzelnik
Christ And The Cananite - Juan De Flandes
Christ And The Cananite - Juan De Flandes
Crucifixion - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Crucifixion - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Christ At The Column (detail) - Antonello da Messina Messina
Christ At The Column (detail) - Antonello da Messina Messina
The Pieta 1626 - Daniele Crespi
The Pieta 1626 - Daniele Crespi
The Magi - Bonanno Da Pisa
The Magi - Bonanno Da Pisa
The Ghent Altarpiece (wings open) 1432 - Jan Van Eyck
The Ghent Altarpiece (wings open) 1432 - Jan Van Eyck
Kain and Abel 1899 - Laszlo Hegedus
Kain and Abel 1899 - Laszlo Hegedus
Adam and Eve, 1909 - Suzanne Valadon
Adam and Eve, 1909 - Suzanne Valadon
Three Franciscan Saints c. 1470 - Domenico Di Michelino
Three Franciscan Saints c. 1470 - Domenico Di Michelino
Crucifixion (Città di Castello Altarpiece) - Raphael
Crucifixion (Città di Castello Altarpiece) - Raphael
George Whitefield preaching - John Collet
George Whitefield preaching - John Collet
Adam And Eve - George Frederick Watts
Adam And Eve - George Frederick Watts
The Angelus, 1857-59 - Jean-Francois Millet
The Angelus, 1857-59 - Jean-Francois Millet
Mary the Mother of Jesus, 1927 - Harold Copping
Mary the Mother of Jesus, 1927 - Harold Copping
Abduction Of Proserpine On A Unicorn - Albrecht Durer
Abduction Of Proserpine On A Unicorn - Albrecht Durer
Coat Of Arms With A Skull - Albrecht Durer
Coat Of Arms With A Skull - Albrecht Durer
Vishnu Statue in the Indra Temple, 1874 - Piotr Petrovitch Weretshchagin
Vishnu Statue in the Indra Temple, 1874 - Piotr Petrovitch Weretshchagin
Christ and Buddha, c.1890-1892 - Paul-Elie Ranson
Christ and Buddha, c.1890-1892 - Paul-Elie Ranson
Priere dans La Mosquee (Prayer in a Mosque) - Charles Bargue
Priere dans La Mosquee (Prayer in a Mosque) - Charles Bargue
Buddhist printed text - Anonymous Artist
Buddhist printed text - Anonymous Artist
The Death Of The Virgin - Joos Van Cleve (Beke)
The Death Of The Virgin - Joos Van Cleve (Beke)
Adoration Of The Magi - Albrecht Durer
Adoration Of The Magi - Albrecht Durer
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Buddha Descending from the Heaven of Thirty Three Gods - Anonymous Artist
Buddha Descending from the Heaven of Thirty Three Gods - Anonymous Artist
Christ And The Fallen Woman (detail) - Lucas The Younger Cranach
Christ And The Fallen Woman (detail) - Lucas The Younger Cranach
Clock With Heads Of Prophets - Paolo Uccello
Clock With Heads Of Prophets - Paolo Uccello
Adam and Eve - J. Urselincx or Urseline
Adam and Eve - J. Urselincx or Urseline
Jesus and the Centurion - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Jesus and the Centurion - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Interior of a Jewish Synagogue - Jan Veenhuysen
Interior of a Jewish Synagogue - Jan Veenhuysen
St Michaels Fight Against The Dragon - Albrecht Durer
St Michaels Fight Against The Dragon - Albrecht Durer
Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate - Leonardo Da Vinci
Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate - Leonardo Da Vinci
Madonna with the Child Reading 1433 - Jan Van Eyck
Madonna with the Child Reading 1433 - Jan Van Eyck
The Conversion of St. Paul - Taddeo Zuccari
The Conversion of St. Paul - Taddeo Zuccari
Interior of the Pagoda with Ancient-Antique Candle Stands at Xieng Cang, book illustration from A Journey of Exploration in Indo-China, pub. c.1873 - (after) Therond, Emile Theodore
Interior of the Pagoda with Ancient-Antique Candle Stands at Xieng Cang, book illustration from A Journey of Exploration in Indo-China, pub. c.1873 - (after) Therond, Emile Theodore
St Jerome In His Study 1514 - Albrecht Durer
St Jerome In His Study 1514 - Albrecht Durer
The Adoration of the Magi (Oddi altar) - Raphael
The Adoration of the Magi (Oddi altar) - Raphael
L'Aveugle A La Mosquee (Blind man at the Mosque) - Arthur von Ferraris
The Apotheosis of St. Thomas Aquinas, 1631 - Francisco De Zurbaran
The Apotheosis of St. Thomas Aquinas, 1631 - Francisco De Zurbaran
Before a Mosque (Cairo) - Alexandre Gabriel Decamps
Before a Mosque (Cairo) - Alexandre Gabriel Decamps
Christ on the Cross - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Christ on the Cross - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
St. Carlo Borromeo Giving Communion To The Plague Victims - Tanzio da Varallo
St. Carlo Borromeo Giving Communion To The Plague Victims - Tanzio da Varallo
Study for the Composition of the Last Supper - Leonardo Da Vinci
Study for the Composition of the Last Supper - Leonardo Da Vinci
Assumption Of The Virgin - Peter Paul Rubens
Assumption Of The Virgin - Peter Paul Rubens
St George On Horseback - Albrecht Durer
St George On Horseback - Albrecht Durer
Christ Before Pilate (Cristo davanti a Pilato) - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Christ Before Pilate (Cristo davanti a Pilato) - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Assumption of the Virgin - Egid Quirin Asam
Assumption of the Virgin - Egid Quirin Asam
Circumcision - Mariotto Albertinelli
Circumcision - Mariotto Albertinelli
Doubting Thomas - Caravaggio
Doubting Thomas - Caravaggio
Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene, c.1505 - Luca Signorelli
Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene, c.1505 - Luca Signorelli
Triptych - Unknown Painter
Triptych - Unknown Painter
Female Nude (With Headcloth And Slippers) - Albrecht Durer
Female Nude (With Headcloth And Slippers) - Albrecht Durer
The Fall of Manna - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Fall of Manna - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Mass at Bolsena - Raphael
The Mass at Bolsena - Raphael
Moses and the Tablets of the Law - Claude Vignon
Moses and the Tablets of the Law - Claude Vignon
Fragment depicting a Buddhist paradise, from Duldur-Aqur, Xinjiang, c.700 AD - Anonymous Artist
Fragment depicting a Buddhist paradise, from Duldur-Aqur, Xinjiang, c.700 AD - Anonymous Artist
Assumption of the Virgin, from the ceiling of the dome, 1526-30 - Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
Assumption of the Virgin, from the ceiling of the dome, 1526-30 - Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
Madonna of the Fir Tree, 1925 - Marianne Preindelsberger Stokes
Madonna of the Fir Tree, 1925 - Marianne Preindelsberger Stokes
The Shinto Temple at Nikko, Japan, 1903 - Vasili Vasilyevich Vereshchagin
The Shinto Temple at Nikko, Japan, 1903 - Vasili Vasilyevich Vereshchagin
'Christ Blessing The Little Children' - (after) Otto Van Veen
Madonna degli Alberetti 1487 - Giovanni Bellini
Madonna degli Alberetti 1487 - Giovanni Bellini
Monaguillos (Altar Boys) - Jose Benlliure y Gil
Monaguillos (Altar Boys) - Jose Benlliure y Gil
Detail from a pair of plaques depicting buddhist figures in a landscape, Qianlong period, 1736-95 - Anonymous Artist
Detail from a pair of plaques depicting buddhist figures in a landscape, Qianlong period, 1736-95 - Anonymous Artist
Apostle Jude (or Thaddeus) - Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Apostle Jude (or Thaddeus) - Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Madonna and Child at the Fountain 1439 - Jan Van Eyck
Madonna and Child at the Fountain 1439 - Jan Van Eyck

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Museum of the day: San Diego Museum of Art

Portrait of Esther Fortune Warren and Her Daughter Hester - Thomas Sully
Portrait of Esther Fortune Warren and Her Daughter Hester - Thomas Sully
Portrait of a Lady Georgina Buckley - John Hoppner
Portrait of a Lady Georgina Buckley - John Hoppner
Allegory of Eternity - Peter Paul Rubens
Allegory of Eternity - Peter Paul Rubens
Seated Woman 2 - Jules Pascin
Seated Woman 2 - Jules Pascin
The Blue eyed Boy 2 - Amedeo Modigliani
The Blue eyed Boy 2 - Amedeo Modigliani
The Convent Parlor - Giuseppe Gobbis
The Convent Parlor - Giuseppe Gobbis
Woman Combing Her Hair - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Woman Combing Her Hair - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Maria at La Granja - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Maria at La Granja - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Portrait of Mrs Simpson - Sir Henry Raeburn
Portrait of Mrs Simpson - Sir Henry Raeburn