From WikiGallery
Objects belonging to the Botocudos -
Objects belonging to the Camacani Indians -
Emerici Tokoli Chief of the Malcontents of Hungary from Receuil des Estampes Representant les Rangs et les Dignites suivant le Costume de toutes les Nations existantes -
Pierre Duflos
Arpa I from Receuil des Estampes Representant les Rangs et les Dignites suivant le Costume de toutes les Nations existantes -
Pierre Duflos
Coloured base reliefs sculpted on the portico of the Grand Temple with details of the symbols the Island of Philae -
(after) Dutertre, Andre
Paintings of the day
Rumor Erat In Casa (There Was A Commotion In The House) 1740 -
Cornelis Troost