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The Annunciation - Giovanni Bizzelli
The Annunciation - Giovanni Bizzelli
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple - Paolo Uccello
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple - Paolo Uccello
St Charles Borromeo Archbishop of Milan - Carlo Dolci
St Charles Borromeo Archbishop of Milan - Carlo Dolci
Holy Family with the Child St John c. 1525 - Hans, the elder Burgkmair
Holy Family with the Child St John c. 1525 - Hans, the elder Burgkmair
Marriage feast at Cana - Gaetano Gandolfi
Marriage feast at Cana - Gaetano Gandolfi
St Wolfgang Altarpiece- The Miracle of the Bread 1479-81 - Michael Pacher
St Wolfgang Altarpiece- The Miracle of the Bread 1479-81 - Michael Pacher
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 1433 - Angelico Fra
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 1433 - Angelico Fra
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian before Lisius 1438 - Angelico Fra
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian before Lisius 1438 - Angelico Fra
Temptation of St. Anthony - David The Younger Teniers
Temptation of St. Anthony - David The Younger Teniers
The Heavenly Militia - Ridolfo di Arpo Guariento
The Heavenly Militia - Ridolfo di Arpo Guariento
The Incredulity of St Thomas - Guercino
The Incredulity of St Thomas - Guercino
The Last Judgement - Lucas The Elder Cranach
The Last Judgement - Lucas The Elder Cranach
The Last Supper - Taddeo Gaddi
The Last Supper - Taddeo Gaddi
The Mystic Marriage Of St. Catherine - Giovanni Battista Moroni
The Mystic Marriage Of St. Catherine - Giovanni Battista Moroni
The Legend of Saint George- The Saint Dragged through the City - Bernat (Bernardo) Martorell
The Legend of Saint George- The Saint Dragged through the City - Bernat (Bernardo) Martorell
Legend of St Francis- 9. Vision of the Thrones 1297-99 - Giotto Di Bondone
Legend of St Francis- 9. Vision of the Thrones 1297-99 - Giotto Di Bondone
Head of St James the Less - Leonardo Da Vinci
Head of St James the Less - Leonardo Da Vinci
Virgin Mary at the Foot of the Cross 2 - Henri (Karl Ernest Rudolf Heinrich Salem) Lehmann
Virgin Mary at the Foot of the Cross 2 - Henri (Karl Ernest Rudolf Heinrich Salem) Lehmann
Madonna dell
Madonna dell'Orchestra - Giovanni Boccati
The Holy Family with Young Saint John 1530 - Domenico Beccafumi
The Holy Family with Young Saint John 1530 - Domenico Beccafumi
St. John Eating the Book - Nicolas Bataille
St. John Eating the Book - Nicolas Bataille
St Peter - Jusepe de Ribera
St Peter - Jusepe de Ribera
The sermon in front of the St. Francis Pope Honorius III - Giotto Di Bondone
The sermon in front of the St. Francis Pope Honorius III - Giotto Di Bondone
Beata Umilta Transport Bricks to the Monastery - Pietro Lorenzetti
Beata Umilta Transport Bricks to the Monastery - Pietro Lorenzetti
The Virgin Appears to St Bernard 1447 - Fra Filippo Lippi
The Virgin Appears to St Bernard 1447 - Fra Filippo Lippi
St. John the Baptist Baptising the Jews in the Desert, 1743 - Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre
St. John the Baptist Baptising the Jews in the Desert, 1743 - Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas (2) c. 1332 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas (2) c. 1332 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Road to Calvary - Giacomo Jaquerio
Road to Calvary - Giacomo Jaquerio
Jesus being scourged - William Brassey Hole
Jesus being scourged - William Brassey Hole
Last Miracle and the Death of St Zenobius 1500-05 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Last Miracle and the Death of St Zenobius 1500-05 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Deposition from the Cross (detail 2) 1437 - Angelico Fra
Deposition from the Cross (detail 2) 1437 - Angelico Fra
St. Ursula - Andrea Solari
St. Ursula - Andrea Solari
The Annunciation - Garofalo
The Annunciation - Garofalo
St Lucy - Filippino Lippi
St Lucy - Filippino Lippi
The Mystical Bath - Jean Bellegambe the Elder
The Mystical Bath - Jean Bellegambe the Elder
Madonna and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist - Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
Madonna and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist - Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
The Dream of St Ursula c. 1495 - Vittore Carpaccio
The Dream of St Ursula c. 1495 - Vittore Carpaccio
The Last Supper 2 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Last Supper 2 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
St. Thomas surrounded by angels - Giuseppe Bazzani
St. Thomas surrounded by angels - Giuseppe Bazzani
The Holy Family 2 - (after) Carlo Maratta Or Maratti
The Holy Family 2 - (after) Carlo Maratta Or Maratti
Virgin and Child - Francesco Pesellino
Virgin and Child - Francesco Pesellino
The Liberation of St. Peter - Sisto Badalocchio
The Liberation of St. Peter - Sisto Badalocchio
Pope Gregory the Great Saving the Souls of Purgatory 2 - Sebastiano Ricci
Pope Gregory the Great Saving the Souls of Purgatory 2 - Sebastiano Ricci
Saint Mary Magdalene 2 - (after) Andrea Del Sarto
Saint Mary Magdalene 2 - (after) Andrea Del Sarto
The Stoning of Saint Stephen - Neapolitan School
The Stoning of Saint Stephen - Neapolitan School
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1725 - Jean François de Troy
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1725 - Jean François de Troy
Virgin and Child with Angels c. 1425 - Dal Ponte Giovanni
Virgin and Child with Angels c. 1425 - Dal Ponte Giovanni
Nativity 1290s - Italian Unknown Masters
Nativity 1290s - Italian Unknown Masters
Penitent St Jerome 1509-10 - Lorenzo Lotto
Penitent St Jerome 1509-10 - Lorenzo Lotto
The Stoning of St Stephen - Angelico Fra
The Stoning of St Stephen - Angelico Fra
Dormition of the Virgin - Andreas Rico
Dormition of the Virgin - Andreas Rico
Triptych of Temptation of St Anthony - Hieronymous Bosch
Triptych of Temptation of St Anthony - Hieronymous Bosch
St Sebastian Triptych 1460-64 - Giovanni Bellini
St Sebastian Triptych 1460-64 - Giovanni Bellini
St Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ - Guercino
St Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ - Guercino
Saint Francis in meditation - (after) Francisco Ribalta
Saint Francis in meditation - (after) Francisco Ribalta
The Stanza della Segnatura Ceiling [detail: 1] I - Raphael
The Stanza della Segnatura Ceiling [detail: 1] I - Raphael
Proverbs (detail 7) - Pieter The Younger Brueghel
Proverbs (detail 7) - Pieter The Younger Brueghel
St. Catherine and St. Agnes - Unknown Painter
St. Catherine and St. Agnes - Unknown Painter
Holy Family with Saints 1813 - Janos Mihaly Hesz
Holy Family with Saints 1813 - Janos Mihaly Hesz
The Nativity - Siena Guido da
The Nativity - Siena Guido da
Venice on her Knees in front of the Virgin - Sebastiano Bombelli
Venice on her Knees in front of the Virgin - Sebastiano Bombelli
St Peter Freed from Prison 1481-82 - Filippino Lippi
St Peter Freed from Prison 1481-82 - Filippino Lippi
Transfiguration of Christ - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Transfiguration of Christ - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Adoration of the Shepherds - Mathieu Le Nain
Adoration of the Shepherds - Mathieu Le Nain
The Immaculate Conception - Bartolome Esteban Murillo
The Immaculate Conception - Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Virgin and Child with Saints 1447 - Giovanni Boccati
Virgin and Child with Saints 1447 - Giovanni Boccati
Virgin in the Garden 1490s - German Unknown Masters
Virgin in the Garden 1490s - German Unknown Masters
St Roch - Andrea Lilio
St Roch - Andrea Lilio
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ 1585 - Isaac Oliver
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ 1585 - Isaac Oliver
St Mary Magdalene - Workshop of Quentin Massys
St Mary Magdalene - Workshop of Quentin Massys
Maesta Christ Washing the Disciples Feet - Buoninsegna Duccio di
Maesta Christ Washing the Disciples Feet - Buoninsegna Duccio di


Museum of the day: National Gallery, London, England

The Ugly Duchess 1525-30 - Quinten Metsys
The Ugly Duchess 1525-30 - Quinten Metsys
Juno Discovering Jupiter with Io 1618 - Pieter Pietersz. Lastman
Juno Discovering Jupiter with Io 1618 - Pieter Pietersz. Lastman
Dido Receiving Aeneas and Cupid Disguised as Ascanius 1720s - Francesco Solimena
Dido Receiving Aeneas and Cupid Disguised as Ascanius 1720s - Francesco Solimena
Man and Woman Sitting at the Virginal 1658-60 - Gabriel Metsu
Man and Woman Sitting at the Virginal 1658-60 - Gabriel Metsu
The Hay Wain, 1821 - John Constable
The Hay Wain, 1821 - John Constable
Still Life An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life, c.1640 - Harmen van Steenwyck
Still Life An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life, c.1640 - Harmen van Steenwyck
Allegory (or The Knight's Dream) -  Raphael
Allegory (or The Knight's Dream) - Raphael
Madonna of the Meadow (Madonna del prato) 1505 - Giovanni Bellini
Madonna of the Meadow (Madonna del prato) 1505 - Giovanni Bellini