Croesus Receiving Tribute from a Lydian Peasant 2 -
Claude Vignon
La Marquise de Courtebonne Anne Marie du Puy Montbrun de Montcalm and Louis Pierre de Chastenet Comte de Puysegur 1726-1807 - Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
Bathing at Etretat - Eugene Lepoittevin
Alexander II 1818-81 of Russia - Anonymous Artist
Dance School - Edgar Degas
Meeting of the Monied Interest Constitutional Opposition to 10 percent or John Bulls Friends alarmd by the New Tax - James Gillray
Courtyard of the Hospital in Arles - Vincent Van Gogh
A Beach Scene With Figures - (after) Cornelis Beelt
Peasants by a doorway with a pipe player, through an open arch - Cornelis Dusart
Cavalrymen taking refreshment in a camp - (after) Philips Wouwerman